Unnamed Juniper #5

Ashe juniper plagues the hill country of Texas, emitting clouds of pollen each winter and spring, a war on resident humans allergic. Carcasses of ashe juniper line the road ways as ranchers reclaim landscape and airways of the hills around Austin. The juniper that lent us a trunk for the creation of this instrument fell in just such a battle, but can the sculptural beauty and rich sound of this didgeridoo help us to see in an enemy a friend?

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Additional information

Didge Name

Unnamed Juniper #5

Wood Type

Ashe Juniper


5' 6 1/2"

Mouthpiece Diameter

1 1/8"

Bell-End Diameter

3" x 3 3/8"

Drone Fundamental


Horn Tones

E, C, F


Two-Part Epoxy


RP Watson